Tuesday, May 30, 2017

go little Honda, go...

 *this is not a video.
had to run errands including stopping by at Ross to order some pistons.



thank you F*bomb for the real Chrysler manuals particularly for our van!



yesterday, it was packed with people and cars here but today, it's all quiet as usual. we like that.


Niimie wanted to torture try shinya's CB160 in the canyon :P the uphill was too harsh for a little Honda, Niimie was getting out of our sight for a while but downhill was cool, he was closing in on us.

N美氏が山の上まで試してみたいとリトルなホンダCB160をチョイス。しかしやはり上りがかなりの拷問。だけど、下りになると物凄い勢いで後ろからN美氏が迫ってきて、ガクブルだった 🐲 小さくてもホンダって凄い。

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